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Challenging our understanding of the nuclear size

Radioactive molecules can be super cool!

Radioactive molecules containing heavy and deformed radioactive nuclei may help scientists to measure symmetry-violating phenomena and identify signs of dark matter.


2020 FRIB Visiting Scholar Award


Prof. Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz has been awarded the 2020 FRIB Visiting Scholar Program for Experimental Science award.


Molecular experiments hope to reveal new physics

Detecting short-lived radium fluoride can explore standard model’s limits. Even though radioactive radium fluoride molecules can exist for just a few days, scientists have made them and found that they could extend our fundamental understanding of physics.


Radioactive molecules @ ISOLDE-CERN

Our group at ISOLDE performed, for the first time, laser spectroscopy measurements of short-lived radioactive molecules. The result represents an essential step towards using these molecules for fundamental physics research and beyond


Charge radii of exotic copper isotopes

Charge radii measurements of exotic copper isotopes provide a deeper insight into our understanding of the microscopic origin of odd–even staggering of charge radii.



Prof. Garcia Ruiz was awarded a Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Fundamental Physics Innovation Awards. This award will support the workshop “New Opportunities for Fundamental Physics Research with Radioactive Molecules” @ MIT in 2021.


Tin Gets Kinky

The observation that tin nuclei suddenly increase in size when the number of neutrons they contain reaches a “magic” number helps test models of nucleon interactions.


Switzerland-Pacific Alliance: Technology and Innovation

Ronald invited as the chairman of the Podium: Switzerland-Pacific Alliance: Technology and Innovation. See event at ETH Zurich.     


Science clubs for children

Our group participates actively in Science Clubs International. Sharing our love for science with vulnerable children from developing countries is one of the best tools to motivate future scientists and create social impact. 


Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz was awarded the PhD Thesis prize 2018 from the European Physical Society. The prizes are assigned every three years and aim to recognize the excellence of recent PhD theses in experimental, theoretical or applied nuclear physics.


Interview Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz

Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz, lead scientist in the Calcium isotope study at the COLLAPS experiment (ISOLDE) explains the latest results.


Resonant Ionization Spectroscopy Technique Becomes Tabletop Friendly

A modified version of a spectroscopic technique used at large-scale radioactive-ion-beam facilities could be used in tabletop experiments.


Has the magic gone from Calcium-52?

CERN Researchers at ISOLDE facility show the supposedly doubly-magic nucleus 52Ca has an unexpectedly large charge radius


IOP Nuclear Physics Group early career researcher prize

Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz was awarded the 2018 IOP Nuclear Physics Group early career researcher prize.


Picking Nuclei with Lasers

A laser-based scheme allows the preparation of pure samples of nuclear isomers for spectroscopic analysis.


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